Find Our Collision Centers

Northshore Location
(1/4 mile North of Winn Dixie)
Car Craft Collision Center
74258 Hwy. 25
Covington, LA 70435
Office: 985.892.8800
Fax: 985.892.5224
Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday
Owner: Calvin "Denny" Schenck
Office Supervisor: Cherie Newbury
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Southshore Location
(behind Chalmette High School)
Car Craft Collision Center
1101 E. St. Bernard Hwy.
Chalmette, LA 70043
Office: 504.279.4474
Fax: 504.279.3356
Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday
Owner: Calvin "Denny" Schenck
General Manager: Ricky Robin
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